WIN Emeriti


The Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing (WCHEN) established the honorary designation of “Emeriti” in 1984. WIN has continued this honorary designation to recognize retired nurses or other individuals who have demonstrated distinguished service to WIN or to its predecessor, WCHEN. Examples of distinguished service include serving on the Board, committees, task forces, and advisory committees; encouraging participation in the organization; providing support for the development or implementation of projects; contributing to the profession of nursing that directly or indirectly promoted the achievement of WIN/WCHEN’s mission and goals; and/or serving as a staff member.


Carol A. Ashton, Idaho State University
Maxine Atteberry, Loma Linda University
Loretta Hanner Bardewyek, Arizona State University
Marjorie V. Batey, University of Washington
Judith A. Berg, University of Arizona
Doris Bloch, National Institute of Nursing Research
Ellamae Branstetter, Arizona State University
Maura Carroll, University of California
Kay Chafey, Montana State University
Thelma Cleveland, Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education
Pearl Parvin Coulter, University of Arizona
Tina DeLapp, University of Alaska
Marie Driever, Clinical Practice and Research Consultant
Marjorie Dunlap, University of California, San Francisco
Jo Eleanor Elliott, Division of Nursing
Harold Enarson, Former WICHE Executive Director
Chiyoko Furukawa, University of New Mexico
Barbara Goetz, University of Wyoming
Lulu Wolf Hassenplug, University of California, Los Angeles
Beverly Hoeffer, Oregon Health & Science University
Katherine Hoffman, University of Washington
Julie Johnson, CJL Consultants, LLC
Jeanne Kearns, Former WIN Executive Director
Robert Kroepsch, Former WICHE Executive Director
Janelle C. Krueger, Arizona State University
Kathryn Smith Lastreto, University of Colorado
Amelia Leino, University of Wyoming
Martha J. Lentz, University of Washington
Carol A. Lindeman, Oregon Health & Science University
Marie L. Lobo, University of New Mexico
Joan K. Magilvy, University of Colorado
Elaine Marshall, Brigham Young University
Marylou McAthie, Sonoma State University
Beverly B. McCord, University of Arizona
Paula A. McNeil, Former WIN Executive Director
Margaret Metzger, Loretto Heights College
Pamela H. Mitchell, University of Washington
Betty K. Mitsunaga, University of Colorado and University of Washington
Juanita F. Murphy, Arizona State University
Helen Nahm, University of California, San Francisco
Maureen O’Malley, University of Alaska
Ginette A. Pepper, University of Utah
Elda Popiel, University of Colorado
Mildred Quinn, University of Utah
Marion M. Schrum, University of Nevada, Reno
Jessie Scott, Division of Nursing
Anna Shannon, Montana State University
Anna Pearl Sherrick, Montana State University
Phil Sirotkin, Former WICHE Executive Director
Gladys Sorensen, University of Arizona
Bernice Szukalla, Division of Nursing
Donna Velasquez, Arizona State University
Joyce Verran, University of Colorado
Ann M. Voda, University of Utah
Verle Waters, Ohlone Community College
Nancy F. Woods, University of Washington


Each nominee must have a sponsor and two co-sponsors. The sponsor and the two co-sponsors must be individual members of WIN or from a WIN member organization.

Each nomination must include:

  • A statement from the sponsor providing data to substantiate the nominee’s distinguished service and contributions to WIN and/or WCHEN
  • A letter of support from each of the co-sponsors. None of the statements shall exceed 500 words.

Do not include vitae or articles. Such materials will not be considered. A sponsor may nominate more than one person.

The WIN Board of Governors shall review all nominations and select WIN Emeriti. The sponsor will have the opportunity to notify the award recipient prior to notification by WIN.

The Emeritus designation will be conferred at the awards ceremony held in conjunction with WIN’s annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference.

The conference registration fee for individuals selected as Emeriti is waived, but WIN is not able to reimburse travel expenses.

The completed nomination form, the letter from the sponsor and letters of support from the two supporting nominators, none of which shall exceed 500 words, must be received in the WIN office no later than November 1.