Call for Nominations

Information about Terms, Eligibility, and Duties of Office for the 2025 Election


President-Elect - Board of Governors
Governor Representative of Nursing Practice - Board of Governors
Governor Representative of Nursing Research - Board of Governors
Governor Representative of Student Members - Board of Governors
Nominating Committee - Position #3

Board of Governors - General

The Board of Governors shall be the officers of the organization and shall have all of the powers and duties ordinarily exercised by officers of a non-profit corporation. Board member responsibilities include fiscal and budget matters, making recommendations to the Membership Assembly, and performing other duties as specified in the Bylaws. Board members focus on fiscal stability, including increasing/procuring fiscal resources required for WIN’s future; strategic plan implementation; and organizational sufficiency.

In addition, the Governors provide leadership and input into policy decisions based on their areas of responsibility. Board members have responsibilities during WIN’s annual Communicating Nursing Research conference related to their offices.

The Board meets quarterly, and the spring meeting is held in conjunction with WIN’s annual conference. The summer meeting is often held in-person over two days. Other meetings are conducted over videoconference. Board members receive reimbursement according to current policy for attending in-person meetings of the Board, but not for the meeting associated with the WIN conference.

WIN is incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of Oregon. The Office of the Attorney General publishes a document titled, “A Guide to Non-Profit Board Service in Oregon.” The document identifies the roles of Board members:

  • The principal role of the Board is stewardship of the organization. The Board is ultimately responsible for the management of the affairs of the organization. This requires active participation. If members do not have the time to regularly participate, they should not agree to serve on a Board.
  • The Board must insure that the organization is operated for a charitable/public purpose. It may not be operated for private benefit.
  • One of the most important roles of a Board is to keep the resources and efforts focused on the organization’s mission. Therefore, Board members must have an understanding of WIN’s programs, members, and resources that are available to achieve its goals. As a start, every Board member should be familiar with WIN’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
  • The Board is not expected to manage the day-to-day activities of the organization. The Board hires a chief executive officer (Executive Director) and oversees that person’s work to ensure that the organization is fulfilling its mission.

WIN will assist new Board members with an orientation to the role, rights and responsibilities of a Board member under Oregon law.

President-Elect (Elect 1)

TERM OF OFFICE: 1 year as President-Elect (2025 – 2026), 2 years as President (2026 – 2028), 1 year as Past President (2028 – 2029)

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for President-Elect, a nominee must be an individual member of WIN and must reside or work in one of the states designated by the Board of Governors as being in the western region. 

DUTIES: Serves as a member of the Membership Assembly and of the Board of Governors. Responsible for carrying out the duties of office listed in the WIN Bylaws.

Governor Representative of Nursing Practice (Elect 1)

TERM OF OFFICE: 3 years (2025 – 2028)
The Governor Representative of Nursing Practice shall serve for a term of three years or until a successor has assumed office.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for Governor Representative of Nursing Practice, a nominee must be an individual member of WIN from a nursing practice organization that is an organizational member of WIN and must reside or work in one of the states designated by the Board of Governors as being in the western region. 

DUTIES: Serves as a member of the Board of Governors, Program Committee, and Membership Assembly. Responsible for carrying out the duties of office listed in the WIN Bylaws.

Governor Representative of Nursing Research (Elect 1)

TERM OF OFFICE: 3 years (2025 – 2028)
The Governor Representative of Nursing Research shall serve for a term of three years or until a successor has assumed office.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for Governor Representative of Nursing Research, a nominee must be an individual member of WIN from a nursing research organization that is an organizational member of WIN and must reside or work in one of the states designated by the Board of Governors as being in the western region. 

DUTIES: Serves as a member of the Board of Governors, Program Committee, Research Committee, and Membership Assembly. Responsible for carrying out the duties of office listed in the WIN Bylaws.

Governor Representative of Student Members (Elect 1)

TERM OF OFFICE: 2 years (2025 – 2027) 
The Governor Representative of Student Members shall serve for a term of two years or until a successor has assumed office.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for Governor Representative of Student Members, a nominee must be a student member matriculated in a degree granting program in one of the states designated by the Board of Governors as being in the western region. 

DUTIES: Serves as a member of the Board of Governors, Student Engagement Committee, and Membership Assembly. Responsible for carrying out the duties of office listed in the WIN Bylaws. The Governor Representative of Student Members may complete the applicable term of office if they graduate while in the office. 

Nominating Committee Position #3 (Elect 1)

TERM OF OFFICE: 3 years (2025 – 2028)
Each committee member shall serve for a term of three years or until a successor has been elected. 

ELIGIBILITY: Must be an individual member of WIN.

DUTIES: Selects candidates for the Board of Governors and the Nominating Committee from among qualified members of the organization; Prepares and presents a slate of candidates to the Membership Assembly; Participates in 2-3 virtual meetings each year; Serves as Committee Chair in 2027 – 2028.


Those whose names are submitted in response to the Call for Nominations will be notified no later than December 31, 2024 about the status of the slate of candidates. Balloting will take place electronically. The projected voting dates are Tuesday, January 21, 2025 to Tuesday, February 4, 2025. All members who are eligible to vote will be notified when the ballot is available. Individuals who are on the slate will be notified of the results by Friday, February 14, 2025.


All potential candidates must submit the completed nominations forms and a brief biosketch or abbreviated CV not to exceed 10 pages. The required materials must be received by WIN by Friday, November 1, 2024. The online nominations form will be used for submission of the nominations materials.

For questions, please contact the members of the Nominating Committee:
Timothy Sowicz, Chair (2022 – 2025),
Cynthia Reber (2023 – 2026),
Schola Matovu (2024 – 2027),